For the purposes of the European Data Protection Regulation, RENTALMAR APARTMENTS, S.L.U. We inform you that in certain areas of our website a series of personal data is requested from the user.
The user always has the option to accept or reject the legal conditions under which he will provide these data. This acceptance is considered as informed consent, and expressly authorizes the treatment with the following characteristics.


Responsible for the file:
Address of the person in charge:
Manage the procurement of products and services offered.
Process your requests for information or other types of requests that you have made through our website or by email.
Send advertising and commercial communications requested by the interested party.

Consent of the affected person in relation to the sending of advertising and commercial communications.
Execution of a contract in case of contracting RENTALMAR.COM services

Recipients of data transfers:
Authorities and Public Bodies in compliance with legal obligations.
Providers of the group that act as processors.

Access, rectification, suppression, limitation and opposition to data processing.
Additional information:
You can request additional and detailed information about Data Protection at the email address listed in our contact details. You can also consult additional information in the following link: Expand information

RENTALMAR APARTMENTS, S.L.U. considers that the data of registered users is of the greatest importance and therefore undertakes to comply with its obligation to keep personal data confidential and to treat them confidentially, for which reason it has drawn up a Register of Activities Treatment that includes measures designed to protect the confidentiality of the personal data in your possession, in accordance with the European Data Protection Regulation.

Cookies policy

This website uses its own and third-party cookies to offer you a better experience and service. By browsing or using our services, the user accepts our use of cookies. However, the user has the option to prevent the generation of cookies and their elimination by selecting the corresponding option in their browser. If you block the use of cookies in your browser, it is possible that some services or functionalities of the website will not be available.

What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small piece of text that websites send to the browser and that are stored in the user's terminal, which can be a personal computer, a mobile phone, a tablet, etc. These files allow the website remember information about your visit, such as your preferred language and options, which can make your next visit easier and the site more useful by customizing its content. Cookies play a very important role, by improving the experience of using the Web

How are they used?
By browsing this Web portal, the user is accepting that cookies can be installed on their terminal and that they allow us to know the following information:

✓ Statistical information on the use of the web.
✓ The user's 'login' to keep the session active on the web.
✓ The preferred web format for access from mobile devices.
✓ The last searches carried out in the web services and personalization data of these services.
✓ Information about the ads that are shown to the user.
✓ Information on the surveys in which the user has participated.
✓ Connection data with social networks for users who access with their Facebook or Twitter username.

Types of cookies used
This website uses both temporary session cookies and permanent cookies. Session cookies store data only while the user accesses the Web and permanent cookies store data in the terminal so that they are accessed and used in more than one session. Depending on the purpose for which the data obtained through the cookies, the Web can use different types of cookies.

Technical cookies
They are those that allow the user to navigate through the Web page or application and the use of the different options or services that exist in it. For example, control traffic and data communication, identify the session, access restricted access Web parts, remember the elements that make up an order, make the request for registration or participation in an event, use security elements during the navigation and store content for broadcasting videos or sound.

Personalization cookies
They are those that allow the user to access the service with some general characteristics predefined in their terminal or that the user defines. For example, the language, the type of browser through which the service is accessed, the selected content design, the geolocation of the terminal and the regional configuration from which the service is accessed.

Advertising cookies
They are those that allow the effective management of the advertising spaces that have been included in the Web page or application from which the service is provided. They allow the content of advertising to be adapted so that it is relevant to the user and to avoid showing ads that the user has already seen.

Statistical analysis cookies
They are those that allow monitoring and analysis of user behavior on websites. The information collected through this type of cookie is used to measure the activity of the websites, applications or platforms and to create browsing profiles of the users of said sites, in order to introduce improvements in the service based on of usage data made by users.

How to manage cookies in the browser?
The user has the option to allow, block or delete the cookies installed on their computer by configuring the options of the browser installed on their terminal:
You can allow, block or delete cookies installed on your computer by configuring your browser options. You can find information on how to do it, in relation to the most common browsers, in the links that are included below:

· Explorer:
· Firefox:
· Chrome:
· Safari:

If you block the use of cookies in your browser, it is possible that some services or functionalities of the website will not be available.

In some browsers, specific rules can be set to manage cookies on a per-website basis, offering finer control over privacy. This means that you can disable cookies from all sites except those you trust.